Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Guns, Germs, and Steel Test Day

We took the test on Guns, Germs, and Steel today. For me it was pretty easy because I listened intently during the video. I had trouble on a couple questions, but the rest was very easy. The music Mr. Schick played during the test made me focus more in my opinion. It was really soothing and helped me calm my mind.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Guns Germs and Steel Final Day

Today we finished the video of Guns, Germs, and Steel. This video helped me learn a lot about why geography is so important and how it drastically effected the growth of civilization. The big thing that Jared Diamond wanted to get across was that the reason European and Asian civilizations prospered faster than the rest of the world was because of geographic luck and not that they were better than the rest of the world. I agree with this theory because of the amount of evidence Jared Diamond shows. It makes sense that the people with better crops built more powerful civilizations. I think there's more to  it, but he still has a great point.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today in class we watched a video of Jared Diamond explaining inequality with his "guns, germs, and steel" theory. Jared Diamond has spent most of his life trying to figure out Ali's question of why white men and people outside of Papua New Guinea have so much money and the people on the island have close to none. He talked about how the people of New Guinea were visited by Europeans and they immediately took advantage of the native people's lack of knowledge of the outside world.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Midterm Essay Prep Pt.2

            The two population pyramids portray two different countries with different problems. The first point is with their healthcare. Both of these countries have a healthcare system which either positively or negatively affects their total population. The second point is these two countries’ economies. A nation with a more developed economy is going to be vastly different from a country with a poor economy. The final point is with these two countries’ government. If one of these nations has a corrupt government, that would affect their total population.

            The first point is with these two countries’ healthcare. A country with better healthcare will have a bigger population and a lower death rate. This is because less people will die from disease and hospital complications opposed to the other country with a higher mortality rate because of their poor healthcare system. This will also lower the birth rate over time because less people will have a lot of kids because they know that a majority of them will live longer. The country with better healthcare is country B because of their lower birth rate and their high number of people 75+. 

            The second point is the economy. A better economy will also lead to the country being able to afford better healthcare. Country A for example has a poor economy. This is known because of their high number of children and adolescence who are put to work to provide for their families. Country B however has a much more developed economy. Because of their developed economy, it has become much less economically advantageous for a person to have more kids than less. This is because kids have become a liability rather than a economical advantage.

            The final point is the government of these countries. Country A shows signs of being a developing country so this gives the possibility of the government being corrupt and not allowing the country to prosper. Country B also could have this happening if the country has implemented a law where a person can’t have more than one child causing the population to decline because their TFR is not meeting the rate for replacement. 

            Country A and Country B are very different countries. This is shown through their population pyramid through which you can also figure out things about these countries. For example, by analyzing the population pyramid, it is possible to assess the country’s economy and healthcare. This shows how powerful a population pyramid can be for understanding a country.
 This is my full essay. I feel like I will do very well on the actual test.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Midterm Essay Prep

            The two population pyramids portray two different countries with different problems. The first point is with their healthcare. Both of these countries have a healthcare system which either positively or negatively affects their total population. The second point is these two countries’ economies. A nation with a more developed economy is going to be vastly different from a country with a poor economy. The final point is with these two countries’ government. If one of these nations has a corrupt government, that would affect their total population.

            The first point is with these two countries’ healthcare. A country with better healthcare will have a bigger population and a lower death rate. This is because less people will die from disease and hospital complications opposed to the other country with a higher mortality rate because of their poor healthcare system. This will also lower the birth rate over time because less people will have a lot of kids because they know that a majority of them will live longer. The country with better healthcare is country B because of their lower birth rate and their high number of people 75+. 

This is what I have so far.  

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Demographic Transition

Today in class we were given a packet about the demographic transition. The demographic transition is a process in which countries go through where the population will increase and decrease based on advancements in healthcare and a better economy. This was pretty easy to understand because all of the terms involved with this graph are terms we have already gone over and talked about. Also, in class today I was so tired so I tried to nap but I stopped myself because I didn't want to be totally unconscious and possibly snore or something.